I actually transformed my working group of friends into these spooky little characters. One of the special gifts for my ex colleague, just before he left. Just want to make sure he remembers each of us, even 20 years later :P
A person who's trying to stretch more than he/she could. A person who's trying to get out of his/her daily routine cause it sucks. A person who likes to transform his/her passions,thoughts, feelings, surrounding into his/her creations. A person who is imaginative & dreamy. A person who is trying to live life happy, meaningful and colorful. A person who is a collector of postcards, classic old tins, water globes, carousels and music boxes. Things that easily put a smile on his/her face: sea breeze, big blue sky, lying on the beach under the moon and stars, doodling, Bossa Nova, carry away by music box/ water globe/ carousel, when he/she finds someone who has the same hobby as him/her, dandelions/ranunculus....
I like this...it's so cute!!!